Care & Maintenance

A simple and easy to follow guide on how to best care for your new door.

Your new Door has been finished using OSMO UV Natural Wood Finishes.

Wood is a natural material and the cell structure, like our skin, can take on and release moisture it breathes.

To ensure that this exchange is not prevented we have created finishes especially suited to the nature of wood. Osmo natural wood finishes are based on oils and waxes. The oil penetrates the wood surface, protecting the wood from deep within. The waxes form an elastic, microporous surface which protects the wood from external moisture and abrasion.

The wood remains naturally beautiful, protected and durable.

We recommend using Osmo products to maintain and care for all our timber products. Osmo UV Protector Oil & Wax is also the only option we recommend maintaining and recoating our timber doors and is available to purchase through our showroom and on this website.

These care instructions form part of your warranty, so it is important you understand and follow them. If you have any questions about how to care for your Coopers Doors product please call our showroom on (02) 9540 1922 or email

The OSMO finish is designed and applied to give you maximum protection.

Applying OSMO UV Protector

Thoroughly clean any dirt or dust off your door, washing it down with warm water. Allow to dry well before coating. Apply a coat following the direction of the grain using a 4mm Microfibre roller (Available from Bunnings). Leave on to dry, approximately 12 hours. We recommend recoating between September-November before summer. Always check the weather and temperature forecast before coating and follow instructions on the tin.

You will need to recoat the exterior face of your door every 6-12 months depending on the level of exposure the door has to sunlight and weather. The more the door is exposed the more frequent the door will need to be recoated. If the surface of the door is starting to look dry and flat and the timber grain is feeling a little rough, then it normally means it’s time to recoat the door. If your door is well protected and is not exposed to any direct sunlight or weather you would expect to only have to recoat every 12 months possible even 18 months, just assess as above. The internal face of the door should only need to recoat every 2-3 years, again assess as above.

Painted Doors

Our doors are undercoated and have two top coats applied before delivery. We will advise you of what paint has been used at the time of purchase and recommend recoating as required. As a guide every 2-3 years depending upon level of exposure to sunlight and weather.